Branded Mobile App Inside the Foodzilla App

In today's fast-paced digital world, mobile apps have become indispensable tools for businesses across various industries. For nutrition professionals, having a personalized mobile app offers a unique opportunity to connect with clients, provide exceptional service, and establish a strong brand presence. Now, with Foodzilla, you can offer a branded experience within our app without the need for costly development.


Enhance Your Brand Within Foodzilla

With Foodzilla, you can customize the app with your business colors and logo, creating a seamless and memorable experience for your clients. Once your clients log into the Foodzilla app, they will see your branding, making your business feel like it's right in the palm of their hands.


Key Benefits of the Branded App Inside Foodzilla

1. Affordable Customization

Customize the app with your business colors and logo without breaking the bank. This level of personalization, typically associated with hefty development costs, is made accessible to nutrition professionals and personal trainers like you through our subscription service (Pro Plan or above).

2. Personalization For Every Client

You can further customize the mobile app experience for each of your clients by turning features on and off based on their individual needs. For example, you can disable nutrition information for clients suffering from an eating disorder or disable meal planning and only allow your clients to see your recipes.

3. Brand Recognition and Improved Client Engagement

A branded app enhances client engagement by allowing them to access meal plans, recipes, and other resources conveniently from their smartphones. This seamless and efficient way of staying connected with your clients makes your practice more memorable and builds brand recognition and loyalty.



User-Friendly Features of the Foodzilla Branded App

  1. - Visual Nutrition Tracking
    • Clients can snap pictures of their food, and the app will recognize and record the nutritional details, making tracking fun and intuitive.
  2. - Access to Your Meal Plans and Recipes
    • Clients can access customized meal plans and recipes directly through the app, keeping everything they need in one convenient location.
  3. - Convenient Grocery Lists
    • The app generates grocery lists based on the meal plans and recipes you provide, simplifying the shopping process.
  4. - Exercise Sync
    • Sync exercise data from fitness devices, providing a holistic view of clients' health journeys.
  5. - Private Messaging
    • Secure messaging platform for private communication between you and your clients without sharing personal numbers.
  6. - Add Your Website or Payment Link
    • Include links to your website, cookbooks, or services for easy client access.
  7. - Tailored Functionality
    • Customize the app's functionality to meet each client's specific needs.
  8. - Free for Your Clients
    • The app is entirely free for your clients, enhancing their nutrition journey without any additional cost.


A Branded Mobile App Within Reach

A branded mobile app adds a layer of professionalism to your nutrition business. It sets you apart as an expert and communicates that you're invested in providing a top-notch client experience. It's a powerful tool that not only enhances your brand identity but also improves the client experience. With Foodzilla, it's an investment that's within reach.

Note: This branded app feature is exclusively available for clients subscribed to the Professional plan or above.

Ready to enhance your business with a custom branded app within Foodzilla? Discover now how Foodzilla can help you create a unique and engaging experience for your clients.

Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.