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The features you need to stay productive while delivering excellent care

πŸ‰ Food Databases and Recipes

Nutrition Database

Access renowned food composition databases like USDA (US), Food Composition Data (NZ), CoFID (UK), and Food Standards/NUTTAB (Australia). Stay tuned for more upcoming databases. Learn more about nutrition data sources.

Wholefoods Database

Enhance nutrition coaching with Foodzilla's global databases and local wholefoods insights. Tailor plans with unique ingredient data, like Organic Kombucha Activated Pecans, Collagen Powder Plus, and more. Learn more about wholefoods databse.

Recipe Database

Elevate your nutrition coaching with Foodzilla's Recipe Database, offering over 100,000 curated recipes. Each recipe features comprehensive nutrition analysis and health labels, empowering precise recommendations. Learn more about recipe database.

Dietitian-Approved Recipes

Delve into our exclusive collection of 1,000+ recipes, perfected by dietitians, with comprehensive nutritional insights and visual delight. Learn more about dietitian-approved recipes.

Food Analysis

Seamlessly explore nutrition with our smart ingredient search. Track essential nutrients accurately through comprehensive labels.Learn more about food analysis.

Recipe Filters

Effortlessly explore a vast array of 100,000+ recipes complete with calculated nutritional information and user-friendly filters. Learn more about recipe filters.

Recipe Builder

Create your own recipes by using ingredients or foods from food databases with nutrition calculated automatically. You can also change measurements, serving sizes and add nutrition labels. Learn more about recipe builder.

Recipe PDFs

Transform your nutrition coaching with Foodzilla's adaptable PDF generation. Tailor PDFs effortlessly, choosing authorship display, nutrient insights, accent hues, and encryption for security. Learn more printing meal plans and recipes.

Tips and Description

Elevate your nutrition coaching with Cooking Tips and Description. Enhance recipes with expert insights, creating a holistic culinary experience that guides clients confidently through each step. Learn more about cooking tips and description.

Recipe Duplication

Recipe Duplication is your efficiency-boosting partner in nutrition coaching, ensuring precision and ease in meal planning and recipe repetition. Learn more about copying recipes.

Custom Foods

Personalize food databases by adding your own foods, catering to client needs. It is useful for accommodating unique ingredients and supplements. Learn more about creating foods.

Custom Labels

Create your own health tags to include in your recipes. Your clients can search for your recipes using these tags as well through our mobile app. Learn more about custom labels.

Personalized Recipe Access

Tailor your approach by opting to share only culinary creations through our mobile app, providing a truly personalized experience for your clients. Learn more about personalized recipe access.

Recipe Import

Elevate coaching with CSV imports, personalized distribution, adaptable nutrients, and robust security. Effortlessly manage multiple recipes for print or digital. Learn more about importing recipes.

Food Data Import

Streamline your food data management with our efficient CSV import feature. You can import hundreds of foods in one go and start using them in meal plans and recipes. Learn more about importing food data.

Custom MeasurementsPro

Easily add and edit custom measurements for foods and ingredients in our database. Enjoy complete control over how measurements are displayed and calculated. to meet your clients' needs.

Configurable Base MeasurementPro

Specify your own base measurement when creating new foods or ingredients, instead of defaulting to 100 grams. This feature offers greater precision and customization in meal planning.

Editable Foodzilla IngredientsPro

Edit Foodzilla's ingredients to change names, nutrition details, and measurements. Your changes create a copy in your database, ensuring the original remains intact.

πŸ§™ Artificial Intelligence

Food Recognition

The mobile app for clients automatically detects food and ingredients in pictures. Your clients can easily log their food by just taking a picture!

Image Generation

You have amazing recipes or found some online but without photos to show how delicious they are, right? Well, now you can generate recipe photos from just their name using Foodzilla AI.

Cooking Steps Generation

Creating brand new recipes has never been easier. Just type in the recipe name and ingredients, and let Foodzilla AI generate cooking steps for you. Easy as!

πŸ“… Meal Planning

Flexible Meal Planner

Create personalised meal plans for your client by choosing recipes for each day in a period of time. Meal plans are not fixed to just one week and can extend over as many weeks as you want. Updates to meal plans appear instantly to your clients via the mobile app. Learn more about meal planning.

Automated Meal Plans

Auto-generate meal plans for your clients based on their calorie and micronutrient targets, meal frequency, duration, dietary restrictions, and specific nutrient emphasis. Save hours of work with Foodzilla's exclusive feature. Learn more about automated meal plans.

Evidence-Based Templates

Choose from a variety of ready-to-use meal plan templates like Carb-Cycling, Low-FODMAP, Keto, Dairy-Free, Vegan, and more. Import and employ them with your clients instantly. Each plan includes a description and academic research references. Learn more about evidence-based templates.

Meal Plan PDFs & Links

Create a PDF of your meal plans optimised for printing with your company's branding. You can also customise the content of the PDF such as grocery lists, nutrition information and more. This can be shared via online links too. Learn more about meal plan PDF generation.

Meal Plan Templates

Templates make it easy to create meal plans for a group of clients. For example, you can create an IBS template that you can reuse with clients who suffer from IBS. You can easily create a reusable template for a month, 2 months, or whatever period you like. Learn more about meal plan templates.

Automated Templates

Effortlessly auto-generate tailored meal plans for clients based on their nutrition goals, dietary preferences, and health needs. You can then re-use these templates to save even more time. Exclusively available on Foodzilla. Learn more about automated meal plan templates.

Save Recipes From Meal Plan

After selecting your preferred recipes from our extensive database for your meal plan, you have the option to save them for future use. This efficient feature streamlines your next planning endeavor. Learn more about saving recipes from meal plan.

Meal Planning With Templates

Effortlessly generate meal plans by utilizing your past templates or our extensive template database, and customize them as necessary to cater to your clients' specific requirements. Learn more about meal planning with templates.

Convert Meal Plans To Templates

Once you've finalized meal planning for a specific client, you can easily save it as a template with just one click, streamlining future use for different clients and saving you valuable time. Learn more about converting meal plans to templates.

Automated Planning With Your Recipes

With automated meal planning, your recipes are prioritized based on your meal conditions, and if none fit, we offer suggestions from our extensive database. Learn more about automated planning with your recipes.

Multiple Items Per Meal

You can add up to 10 items in one meal. For example, you can add a recipe (Scrambled Eggs) and an apple (single food item) into the breakfast meal category. Learn more about multiple items per meal.

Meal Plan Recurrence

With just one click, you can set the frequency of your plan over time. For example, you can create a monthly meal plan by just repeating one week of recipes.Learn more about meal plan recurrence.

Drag & Drop

Meal planning has never been easier. Drag and drop recipes to move them between days and meal categories. You can also swap recipes around with a simple drag and drop. Learn more about drag and drop.

Smart Grocery Lists

Automated grocery lists are generated directly from your meal plans. Clients can select dates, meals, and serving amounts. Grocery lists are also included when printing meal plans. Learn more about smart grocery lists.

Secured PDFs

Protect your PDFs from unauthorised access with a password. The password is not stored in our servers and is only visible to you during the PDF generation. Learn more about secured PDFs.

Visual Planning

Visualize the entire week or month of meals and see the nutrition breakdown per day and per recipe. See what your clients will have (for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) and easily remove or copy recipes around to match their needs. Learn more about visual planning.

Instant Sharing

With Foodzilla's user-friendly mobile app, meal plans are efficiently shared with your clients in real-time. This means that any modifications, adjustments, or updates you make to their meal plans are promptly accessible to them. Learn more about instant sharing.

Client-Centric Nutrition Guidance

Through our mobile app, your clients can access meal plans, generate grocery lists for upcoming meals, and adjust servings with auto-updated lists for seamless nutrition management. Learn more about client-centric nutrition guidance.

Collaborative Meal PlanningPro

Your clients can engage in meal planning, editing plans via the app, and accessing both custom and dietitian-approved recipes. Enjoy a blend of client freedom and professional oversight. Learn more about collaborative meal planning.

Leftover PlanningPro

Efficiently manage and utilize leftovers with our Leftover Planning feature. This tool helps you reduce food waste, save valuable time, and ensure precise and efficient meal management for you and your clients.

Custom Meal Type NamesPro

Our Custom Meal Type Names feature allows you to tailor meal plans and templates to better suit your clients' preferences and needs. Easily rename meal types to something more familiar or descriptive.

πŸ“± Client Management

Mobile App for Clients

Our mobile app enables clients to easily log meals with pictures, access meal plans and recipes, create grocery lists, sync fitness device exercises, and communicate privately with you Learn more about mobile app.

Mobile App CustomisationsPro

Hide and show features in the mobile app per client or for all clients. For example, you can remove calorie and nutrition information for clients with eating disorders. Learn more about app customisations

Comprehensive Client Registration

Register clients directly by entering their detailed information and manage your client list efficiently. You can also send email invitations containing information about the Foodzilla app. Easily remove inactive clients to keep your practice organized. Learn more about client registration

Manage Health Goals

Set health, nutrition, exercise, water and weight goals for your clients which will reflect in their mobile app automatically. You can also set the food group serving size amounts and their body data. Learn more about setting nutrition goal.

Secure MessagingPro

Message your clients securely without sharing personal contact info. You'll receive notifications when they reply, and they'll be alerted when you send a message. Learn more about secure messaging.

Food Diaries

Food diaries are auto-generated as your clients use our app, making it easy to spot eating patterns with photos, ingredient details, meal times, nutrition breakdown, and editable entries. Learn more about food and exercise diaries.

Log Foods for Clients

Log foods or meals on behalf of your clients to keep track of their nutrition or for diet recall purposes. You can log foods and meals in the past, present and in the future. Learn more about logging foods.

Log Exercises for Clients

Record exercises for your clients to monitor their workouts and calorie expenditure. You have the flexibility to log exercises for past, current, and future sessions. Learn more about logging exercises.

Log Water for Clients

You can effortlessly log your clients' water intake and monitor their hydration levels, ensuring they stay on track towards their hydration and health goals. Learn more about logging water intake.

Notes & FilesPro

Create notes and attach files to your client's record. Notes can be private or shareable with your clients. Files can be up to 100MB in size. Your clients can also share notes with you via the mobile app. Learn more about notes & files.

Nutrition & Exercise Reports

Access detailed data about your clients nutrient and water intake, exercise, and eating habits with historical records. You can see these reports per day, week or month. This gives you a powerful visualisation over their health and how to improve it. Learn more about nutrition & exercise reports.

Import From Cliniko

If you've connected Foodzilla with Cliniko, then you can also import your Cliniko clients with a few clicks. Search by their name and click the import from Cliniko button. After that, their details will be imported, review them and create their profile with one click. Learn more about Cliniko integrations.


Customize your availability, connect your calendars, and create a personalized booking link that enhances your professional image and streamlines client scheduling. Learn more about bookings.


Simplify financial transactions with our integrated payment system. Securely process payments, set fees for your services, and ensure hassle-free transactions for you and your clients. Learn more about payments.

Teleheath VideoPro

Expand your reach with our comprehensive telehealth solutions. Conduct virtual consultations with ease, ensuring privacy, convenience, and continuity of care for all your client. Learn more about telehealth.

πŸͺ„️ Branding

Branding Settings

Branding Setting lets you easily customize brand elements like colors, logos, and website links across the mobile app, platform, emails, and meal plans. Learn more about branding.

Branded Mobile App Inside FoodzillaPro

Incorporate your business colors and logo seamlessly within the Foodzilla app, providing a professional look without exceeding your budget. Learn more about branded mobile app.

Your Own Branded AppPro

Boost your visibility with your own app on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.Customize with your business colors, logo, and icons for a unique client experience. Learn more about your own branded mobile app.

Branded PDFs

Incorporating your company name and logo into our PDFs elevates client interactions, ensuring a professional and unforgettable experience Learn more about branded PDFs.

Branded Email

Our branded email feature ensures that when you send a meal plan PDF to your clients, the email will proudly display your company logo, instantly reinforcing your professional identity. Learn more about branded emails.

Profile Photo

You can upload a custom profile photo that will represent you in the mobile app, making every client interaction a personalized and memorable experience. Learn more about profile photo.

Web Links

Within our mobile app, you can seamlessly integrate web links to their website, courses, and blog, enhancing client engagement and access to valuable content. Learn more about web links.

πŸ”— App Integrations

Cliniko Integration

For Cliniko customers, you are able to import your patients/clients from Cliniko into Foodzilla, along with their notes and upcoming appointments. Learn more about connecting Foodzilla with Cliniko.

Apple Health

With the ability to sync with Apple Health, you can get a comprehensive health profile, combining nutrition data with fitness metrics to gain deeper insights into your well-being.

Google Fit (Coming Soon)

Integration with Google Fit allows you to merge your nutrition data with your physical activity metrics, providing you with a holistic view of your client's health.

Fitness Devices

Integrates with fitness devices such as Fitbit, Garmin and Polar. Automatically tracks exercises and calories burned. Learn more about integrations with other apps

Zapier IntegrationPro

Foodzilla now integrates with Zapier, connecting you to over 6,000 apps like Trainerize and Dropbox for streamlined workflows and enhanced capabilities. Learn more about Zapier integration.

🀝Team Collaboration

Team Management

Efficiently manage your team with Foodzilla, which simplifies resource sharing, client handoffs, and access management. This versatile platform enhances productivity, ensuring seamless team collaboration. Learn more about managing staff.

Role-Based Access

Foodzilla recognizes the diverse roles within your team and has tailored role-based access to suit varied levels of access and contribution, allowing each member to play a specialized role in achieving collective success. Learn more about role-based access.

Sharing Recipes and Foods

The Team Plan empowers you to seamlessly share essential resources such as recipes and foods, all while upholding the integrity of data security and streamlining workflow efficiency. Learn more about sharing recipes and foods.

Sharing Templates and Meal Plans

Effortlessly share crucial resources like templates and meal plans while ensuring the security of your data and maintaining productivity. Learn more about sharing templates and plans.

Client Handoff

When a team member goes on leave, you can re-assign their clients to another member to make sure they're still being taken care of and reply to clients' messages. Learn more about client handoff.

Client Communication

With our messaging system, team members can access and respond to client messages, ensuring uninterrupted communication and support even in a team member's absence. Learn more about client messages.

πŸ›‘οΈ Security and Reliability

99.99% Uptime

We understand how important reliability is to your business. See our historic uptime performance and updates.

Data Privacy

Adhering to industry-standard best practices with regards to your privacy. Learn more about data privacy.

Data Encryption

Bank-level security protects all your data in transit and at rest. Learn more about the ways we protect your data.

Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.