Launch Your Own Nutrition Mobile App: White Label Solution

Enhance your client experience by offering a custom branded mobile app with Foodzilla. This add-on option simplifies the process, providing you with a unique app without the complexity of development. Available on both iOS and Android.


Launch Your Own Nutrition Mobile App

Get your very own branded app available in the app store with customizable app icons and screenshots. This will give your clients a seamless and branded way to engage with you directly from their phones.

  • 1. Brand Recognition and Improved Client Engagement
    Your mobile app is more than just a tool for delivering meal plans and communicating with clients—it's an extension of your brand. When clients open your app and see your business colors and logo, it fosters a sense of trust and consistency. It's like having your business in the palm of their hands, making your services more memorable. Clients are more likely to remember and recommend a service that they can easily recognize and associate with, building brand recognition and loyalty.
  • 2. Communicate Updates on the Go
    Keep your clients informed and engaged by sending custom push notifications. Share news about meal plan updates and details with custom messages directly to their devices, ensuring they stay connected and informed.
  • 3. Effortless Meal Planning
    Allow your clients to access and manage their meal plans 24/7 with our integrated platform. The app ensures everything is synchronized, providing a smooth and efficient experience for both you and your clients.  
  • 4. Affordable Customization
    Customize the app with your business colors and logo without breaking the bank as long as you subscribe to our service (one-time setup fee required). This level of personalization is typically associated with hefty development costs, but we've made it accessible to nutrition professionals and personal trainers like you.  


Tailor the App to Your Brand

Customize the app with your logo and brand colors, creating a consistent and professional look. We handle all technical aspects, including publishing on the Apple App Store and Google Play, maintaining and upkeep, so you can focus on your business.

Three Simple Steps to Your Own Branded Mobile App

  1. 1. Provide Your Logo/Icon

    We incorporate your logos, colors, and the overall look and feel of your business into your app and app stores.

    2. You Review the Screenshots & App Details

    Provide feedback to ensure your app looks as you envision it on the App Stores.

    3. We Launch It

    We handle the publishing process on both the Apple App Store and Google Play, making your app available to your clients.

Important Note: This branded app feature is exclusively available for clients subscribed to the Professional plan or higher and who have opted for quarterly, semi-annual, or annual subscriptions.


Key Features of the Foodzilla App

Say goodbye to the era of burdensome food diaries and complex tracking methods. The Foodzilla mobile app makes nutrition tracking simple and engaging with these user-friendly features:

  1. - Visual Nutrition Tracking

    Clients can snap pictures of their food, and the app records the nutritional details, making tracking easy and fun.

  2. - Access to Your Meal Plans and Recipes

    Customized meal plans and recipes are available directly through the app, eliminating the need for emails or paper documents.

  3. - Convenient Grocery Lists

    The app generates grocery lists from meal plans and recipes, simplifying shopping and ensuring clients have everything they need.

  4. - Personalization For Every Client

    You can further customize the mobile app experience for each of your clients by turning features on and off based on their individual needs. For example, you can disable nutrition information for clients suffering from an eating disorder or disable meal planning and only allow your clients to see your recipes.

  5. - Exercise Sync

    Clients can sync exercise data from their fitness devices for a comprehensive view of their health journey.

  6. - Private Messaging

    Secure messaging allows private communication between you and your clients without sharing personal numbers.

  7. - Add Your Website or Payment Link

    Easily add links to your website or payment options for clients to access directly from the app.


Experience the convenience and professional appeal of having a custom-branded app with Foodzilla. Simplify client interactions and enhance your business presence on mobile platforms.

For more details and pricing information, please contact us.

Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.