Wholefoods and Branded Foods Nutrition Databases

In the realm of nutrition coaching, precision is paramount. Yet, the world of dietary exploration is vast, often demanding insights beyond conventional databases. Enter Foodzilla – your trusted ally that not only harnesses food composition data from trusted sources like the USDA, Food Composition Data of New Zealand, CoFID of the United Kingdom, and Australia's Food Standards/NUTTAB but also provides unique products from New Zealand, Australia and the United States. In total, Foodzilla provides over 500,000 foods and ingredients to create your perfect recipe or use them in your meal plans.


Diving into the World of Wholefoods

Foodzilla doesn't just stop at the basics; it's your portal to an ever-expanding universe of wholefoods. Imagine accessing nutritional data from beloved wholefoods shops, such as Ceres Organics (NZ), The Source Bulk Foods (AU), GoodFor Wholefoods (NZ), and even Optifast (NZ) – encompassing meal replacement products. This means that beyond standardized nutrition information, you have the power to tap into the nuances of ingredients like never before.


Branded Foods Amplified

In the pursuit of precision, we leave no stone unturned. Even branded foods from the US find their way into Foodzilla's expansive database, ensuring that every facet of nutrition is at your fingertips. Whether it's meal replacement products or branded offerings, you'll discover a realm of possibilities that enrich your coaching journey.


Elevate Your Expertise with Foodzilla

With Foodzilla, the world of nutrition data expands beyond the ordinary, encompassing both trusted authorities and unique, specialty ingredients. Empower your clients with tailored dietary recommendations that account for their individual needs and preferences, backed by a platform that's as diverse as their nutritional journey. Our mission is clear: empower you, the nutrition professional, to elevate your expertise and provide your clients with the insights they deserve.


Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.