Foodzilla 7 is now available on the App Stores

Our team is excited to announce the release of version 7 of the Foodzilla mobile app on Apple and Google stores. This is a major update enabling access to food composition databases for users in New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

The update also includes new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Here is a detailed list of the changes:

  1. - Automated insights reporting over a one-week period to give a glimpse on your diet's nutrition make up
  2. - Vitamins and minerals distribution to easily spot missing vitamins and minerals from your diet
  3. - Food groups servings tracking following the recommendations provided by the Ministry of Health New Zealand
  4. - Easier food tracking by making the information more visual
  5. - Improved automatic exercise tracking by Fitbit
  6. - Ability to search food composition databases and set them as your default database when logging meals and food predictions
  7. - Fitbit exercises are now also synced to your nutritionist, dietitian, and health coach
  8. - Upgraded our internal engine for faster food recognition, app load times and improved overall performance
  9. - And many more bug fixes and small enhancements

One of the advantages of using Foodzilla over other nutrition and exercise trackers is the ability to share data between a user and their dietitian/nutritionist/health coach. The data is not just exported as a raw file, it is integrated deeply with our web application for dietitians, nutritionists, and health coaches. The data is automatically stored, charted and synced in real time.

Beautiful detailed nutrition data about your clients

For example, as a health coach, you want to know the fat distribution in your clients' diet over a period of time. You can easily do this by clicking one button. Your client can use our quick nutrition tracking app by just taking pictures as they eat their meals. The data from their device will flow to your dashboard thereafter.

Another advantage is exercise tracking and syncing with fitness devices such as Fitbit, Garmin, and Polar. Any exercises recorded in our app will show up in your dashboard instantly as well as any exercises recorded from their Fitbit device directly. Again, data is stored, charted and organized so you can easily view it whenever you need.

This tight integration also enables private messaging between you and your clients without needing to expose personal numbers or the use of privacy-breaking apps like Facebook and others.

Meal plan syncing is another powerful feature allowing a health coach to send meal plans to their clients instantly through our mobile app. Plans can be changed and all the updates are reflected in real time without the user having to re-open the app.

Foodzilla mobile and web apps are designed and developed right here in Auckland, New Zealand. If you have any questions, talk to us by clicking on the bottom right chat icon.

The mobile app is free and available on Apple and Android devices. Sign-up today and get a 10 days free trial and take control of your nutrition and health.

Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.