Internet Asks: “How to Tell If Watermelon Is Bad?”

Watermelon, the juicy and refreshing fruit that embodies summer, is a staple at picnics, barbecues, and beach outings. But how can you tell if that watermelon sitting on your kitchen counter is still ripe and delicious or has sadly gone bad? In this article, we will unlock the secrets of watermelon whispering and share some fun and professional tips to help you determine if your beloved watermelon is past its prime. So, let's dive in and become experts in the art of watermelon assessment!


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  1. Give It a Thump:

    Remember those old movies where people thump on watermelons to find the perfect one? Well, there's truth behind the technique! Gently tap the watermelon with your knuckles, and listen closely. A ripe watermelon will produce a deep, hollow sound, similar to a drum. However, if you hear a dull or flat sound, it could be a sign that the watermelon is overripe or starting to spoil.
  2. Check the Color:

    A vibrant, rich color is a good indicator of a ripe watermelon. Look for a deep green rind with no signs of yellowing. Additionally, examine the spot where the watermelon was resting on the ground. If it's creamy or yellowish, it suggests that the watermelon is ripe. On the other hand, if the spot is white or pale green, it may not be fully ripe.
  3. Feel the Weight:

    Ripe watermelons are heavy due to their high water content. Lift the watermelon and compare it to others of similar size. If it feels significantly lighter than expected, it could be a sign that the watermelon is drying out and past its prime.

  4. Inspect the Surface:

    Take a close look at the surface of the watermelon. A healthy watermelon should have a smooth and firm skin, free from bruises, cuts, or blemishes. If you notice soft spots, mold, or an overall mushy texture, it's best to bid farewell to that watermelon and seek out a fresh one.
  5. Trust Your Nose:

    Your sense of smell can also guide you in determining if a watermelon is bad. Give it a gentle sniff. A ripe watermelon will have a sweet, fresh aroma. However, if you detect any sour or fermented smells, it's a strong indication that the watermelon has gone bad and should be discarded.
  6. Consider the Time:

    Remember that watermelons have a limited shelf life, even under proper storage conditions. If you've had the watermelon for an extended period, especially beyond its typical ripeness window, it's more likely to have deteriorated. Freshness is key, so try to consume your watermelon within a few days of purchase for the best flavor and texture.


While these tips can help you assess the quality of a watermelon, it's important to note that individual experiences may vary. External factors such as storage conditions, handling, and the specific ripeness of the watermelon at the time of purchase can all impact its freshness. If you have any doubts or concerns about the safety or quality of a watermelon, it's best to err on the side of caution and discard it.



Becoming a watermelon whisperer is a delightful skill that allows you to enjoy the juiciest and most flavorful watermelons all summer long. By employing these fun and professional tips, you can confidently determine if your watermelon is past its prime or ready to be enjoyed. So, the next time you're faced with a watermelon conundrum, put your knowledge to the test and savor the sweet taste of success!


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  1. USDA. Watermelon Information Sheet.
  2. What About Watermelon. How to Tell if a Watermelon is Bad or Rotten.




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