Foodzilla App vs. Easy Diet Diary App

In the world of dietetics, nutrition, and wellness coaching, choosing the correct software and mobile app for clients can significantly elevate nutrient analysis and provide immediate client support. This in-depth comparison delves into Foodzilla and Easy Diet Diary, emphasizing the distinctive features that position Foodzilla as the top choice among nutrition professionals.



🕵️ Quick Comparison: Foodzilla App vs. Easy Diet Diary App

Feature/Aspect Foodzilla Easy Diet Diary
Dietitian-Approved Recipes Over 1,000 N/A
Food Database Size Over 2 million Extensive, based on official Australian food data
Recipe Database Size Over 100,000 N/A❌
Flexibility & Customization High (Broad features for various needs) None❌
Integration Capabilities Connects with Foodzilla Platform Connects with Easy Diet Diary Connect
Meal Plan Builder? Yes✅ No❌
Grocery Lists Creation? Yes✅ No❌
Messaging? Yes✅ No❌
Food Recognition with Photos? Yes✅ No❌
Water Intake Log Yes✅ No❌
Barcode Scanning Yes✅ Yes☑️
Daily Nutrition Report Yes✅ Yes☑️
Exercise Log Yes✅ Yes☑️
Pricing Free for Foodzilla Platform Subscribers' Clients Free


💝 Special Offer for Easy Diet Diary Connect(Foodworks) Users

If you're a current Easy Diet Diary Connect(Foodworks) user, we have an exclusive offer just for you. We're offering 50% off on all Foodzilla subscription plans!.

How to Claim Your Discount:

  1. 1. Contact Us: Reach out to our support team via the chat bubble on our website.
  2. 2. Provide Proof: Show your Easy Diet Diary Connect(Foodworks) receipt to verify your current subscription.
  3. 3. Enjoy Your Savings: Receive a 50% discount on any Foodzilla plan.

Don't miss this opportunity to upgrade your nutrition management experience with Foodzilla and save significantly on your subscription. Take advantage of this exclusive offer now and transform your workflow!



💚Why Foodzilla is the Ultimate Choice for Nutrition Professionals

  1. 1. Meal Plans at Your Fingertips 🍽️
    With Foodzilla, nutrition professionals can effortlessly provide personalized meal plans to their clients. These plans are not static; clients can edit them to suit their preferences and dietary requirements from the app. This dynamic feature fosters collaboration and ensures that clients stay engaged in their nutrition journey.

  2. 2. Seamless Communication 📢
    Say goodbye to fragmented communication. Foodzilla allows nutrition professionals to send messages directly from the platform to their clients' mobile app. This direct and secure messaging ensures effective and convenient client support.

  3. 3. Branding That Reflects You 🌟
    Foodzilla understands the importance of branding. Nutrition professionals can customize the mobile app with their logo, color scheme, and links. This ensures that clients experience a seamless and branded interaction with the app, reinforcing the nutrition professional's expertise.

  4. 4. Tailored App Views for Client Accessibility 👁️
    Foodzilla empowers nutrition professionals to customize the mobile app view access. This means that certain calorie information can be restricted for clients with specific dietary needs or disabilities. It ensures that clients receive the information they need, making their nutrition journey more manageable.

  5. 5. AI-Powered Food Recognition 📸
    With Foodzilla's advanced AI technology, you can enjoy the convenience of food recognition from photos. This innovation enables your clients to effortlessly log their meals with a simple snapshot, streamlining the food logging process and elevating the overall client experience.

💚 Your Next Steps

While both Foodzilla and Easy Diet Diary offer valuable tools for nutrition professionals, Foodzilla's broader features, superior customization, and innovative technology provide a more comprehensive solution for modern nutrition management. Evaluate your needs to determine which app best supports your professional objectives and your clients' needs.
Choose Foodzilla today
—where innovation meets practicality, giving you the tools to excel in your nutrition practice.


Please note: This comparison is accurate as of October 2023. Future updates or changes to either platform may not be reflected here. Always verify the latest features directly with the providers.

Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.