What Is A Meal Planner?

Foodzilla offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to make meal planning, nutrition tracking, and client management easier than ever. Here's how our platform can help you streamline your workflow and provide exceptional care to your clients.

Easy, Intuitive layout. Quick response to questions I have and solving my problems.

— Te Huri A. (Nutrition Advisor - New Zealand)


Streamline Your Meal Planning Process

⏲️ Save Time with Templates:

Streamline your workflow with Foodzilla's dietitian-approved meal plan templates or create personalized plans using our recipe database or your own. Adapt templates to meet your clients' unique preferences and nutritional needs.

🔎 Find Recipes in Seconds:

Access over 100,000 online recipes and 500+ dietitian-approved options. Easily find recipes tailored to your clients' needs with nutritional information and dietary filters like cuisine, diet, and allergies.

📬 Share Plans Instantly :

Share meal plans via the client's free mobile app, or export them as customizable PDFs or web links reflecting your brand's color and logo. Enhance communication, brand recognition, and client satisfaction.

Enhance Client Engagement and Monitoring

🎨️ Custom Branding & Display

Tailor meal plan PDFs with your brand's colors and logo. Adjust display settings to meet client needs, ensuring a personalized and professional experience.

📊 Automated Nutrition Monitoring:

Automated nutrition reports make it easy to identify trends in clients' food intake, exercise, and hydration levels, helping to pinpoint areas for improvement in their nutrition and lifestyle.

🤝 Collaborative Meal Planning :

Allow clients to customize your meal plans to fit their preferences and dietary needs through the app. This collaborative approach boosts client satisfaction and adherence to the meal plans.


Boost Your Efficiency with These Features

💡Extensive Food Databases

Use food composition databases from the United States (USDA), New Zealand (Food Composition Data), the United Kingdom (CoFID), Australia (Food Standards / NUTTAB), and more. Learn more...

🚀 Convert Meal Plans to Templates

Once you've finalized meal planning for a specific client, you can easily save it as a template with just one click. This feature streamlines future use for different clients, saving you valuable time. Learn more...

🍜 Image & Cooking Steps Generation

Have amazing recipes but no photos or time-consuming cooking steps? Simply type in the recipe name and ingredients, and let Foodzilla AI generate both photos and cooking steps for you. Learn more ...

🍜 Meal Plan Recurrence

With a single click, you can set the recurrence of your plan. For instance, you can create a monthly meal plan by repeating a week's worth of recipes, saving you valuable time! Learn more ...

🍜 Smart Grocery Lists

Automated grocery lists are generated directly from your meal plans. Clients can select dates, meals, and serving amounts. Grocery lists are also included when printing meal plans. Learn more ...

🍜 Visual Planning

Meal plans can span multiple weeks. Visualize meals for a week or month, see daily and per-recipe nutrition breakdowns, and easily adjust recipes to fit client needs. Learn more ...

Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.