A Foodzilla vs FoodWorks review

How does Foodzilla compare to FoodWorks? While we've done the market research and can list a feature-by-feature comparison, we can’t answer entirely without bias. Furthermore, features can be built with enough resources and time, but innovation and staying ahead of the curve is not easily copied.

We would rather spend our time innovating and supporting Foodzilla than copying our competitors. We focus on our own products and actively talk with our customers to solve their problems as we design our solutions and improve Foodzilla for everyone.

So instead of pointing out the flaws in FoodWorks, we share innovative features that you’ll only find in Foodzilla.

🎀 6 unique things you can only do with Foodzilla

There’s a lot of overlapping functionality between Foodzilla, and other nutrition products, but Foodzilla has plenty of unique and innovative features to keep you ahead of the curve.

🚀 Auto-Generate a Meal Plan in 5 Seconds

Yes, you read that right, in just 5 seconds you can auto-generate a meal plan with your clients nutrition requirements and diets/conditions.

generate meal plan based on nutrition

🦾 Artificial Intelligence Capabilities

Foodzilla is the only nutrition software to offer artificial intelligence capabilities such as Ingredient Detection from Photos, Tracking Nutrition by Photos, and Recipe Image Generation from Text.

food ai preview

🎨 Branded App and Personalizations

Personalize every single feature in the mobile app for your clients and apply your own branding. You can turn features on and off for all clients or for a specific client. For example, you can turn off calories/nutrition info for clients suffering from an eating disorder.

customise the mobile app

🥘 Largest & Fastest Recipe Database

We offer the largest recipe database (over 2 million recipes) and the fastest search engine on the market. You can find recipes by nutrients, diets, cooking time, cuisine type, and environmental impact requirements in less than 2 seconds and find foods in less than 100 milliseconds.

recipe database and builder

⚡ Real-Time Nutrition & Meal Planning

Foodzilla uses a unique real-time architecture allowing you to see nutrition progress in real-time, live chat with clients, update meal plans and share with clients instantly, share recipes, personalise their experience, and more.

nutrition reports

🗓️ Flexible Meal Planning

Meal planning in Foodzilla is not fixed to one week or a fixed period. It is calendar-based so you're able to create flexible meal plans that change over time and can assign multiple meal plans to the same client.

meal planner interface

💸 Bonus: Scale at a Predictable Cost

Bring all your clients and grow your business without breaking the bank. Save hundreds of dollars today and thousands as you grow your business. The Foodzilla unlimited plan has a fixed cost and doesn't increase the more clients you bring.

💚 Get Started

Let Foodzilla automate your workflow and scale your business.

5 tips for choosing software for your nutrition business

1. Can you afford it?

If you can’t afford it, there’s no point seeing how good it is. First step is to make sure it meets your budget. Most systems will have a pricing page on their website.

We don’t believe price alone should be your deciding factor, you don’t need to choose the cheapest, the system you choose will be very important to your business. It just needs to be affordable, to be considered, and hopefully offers you more value than it costs.

Foodzilla saves you hundreds today and thousands as your business grows. You can find our Foodzilla pricing very easily.

2. Does it have the features you need?

It wouldn’t be much good if the system was affordable but didn’t actually do what you need. So best to check that out too! Nutrition Management Systems are generally quite comprehensive when it comes to feature sets. Just make sure the things you know you need, are handled by the system you choose.

Foodzilla replaces several tools and streamlines your workflow thereby saving you time and money.

You can see most of our features on our Features page.

3. Does it work on the devices you use?

Are you on Mac or PC? Do you want to use it on your iPad, Galaxy Tab, iPhone, Android Phone, or Potato Browser? You’ll want to make sure it works on all the devices you plan to use. One step better, make sure it’s great on those devices, not just that it works.

You guessed it! Foodzilla works on all of those devices above, except one... but we won’t tell you which.

4. What is the support like?

Let’s face it, no matter how good the system is, you’re going to be needing support at one time or another. It’s best to not wait until then to find out it’s rubbish.

You can of course read about companies support on their website, but we’ve never spotted a website that says “Our support is terrible, 98% of people hated speaking with us... and that’s from the small portion that actually got through”. That said, there’s plenty of companies where that would be accurate.

Our tip, try it out. That’s when you’ll find out the truth. Want to try ours out? There’s a little green chat bubble in the bottom-right corner. Go see who’s on the other end!

5. Do a free trial!

Similar to above, you can’t believe everything you read on a companies website. Like those less than honest comparison reviews, websites have a tendency to highlight the good points, and skim over (omit) the bad. Any system that you consider should be offering you a completely free trial. Changing or purchasing a system is a big deal, you shouldn’t be going into that blindly.

Start a free trial with all the systems you’re considering, and really kick the tyres, make sure you’re making an educated decision based on what you’ve seen, not just what you’ve been told.

With Foodzilla, you get 10 days free trial to try things out and give it a good test.

Bonus Tips

  • 👉 Is the software regularly improved? At Foodzilla, we update our software at least once a week.
  • 👉 Does it have a good user experience for you and your clients? At Foodzilla, we care deeply about the client's experience and offer deep personalizations.
  • 👉 What is the up-time/availability like of the system? At Foodzilla, we transparently share our system status with historic records.
  • 👉 How fast is the software to use? At Foodzilla, we use the latest cutting edge technologies to stay fast and ahead of the curve.
  • 👉 What is the usability like? Is it easy to use without training? User-friendliness is one of the highest priorties at Foodzilla
  • 👉 Does it have help guides in case you need them? At Foodzilla, we have video tutorials and help articles. Furthermore, you can book a live demo with our team members.
  • 👉 Does the company communicate well about changes or issues? At Foodzilla, we send weekly newsletters and transparently share product releases and changes so you know you're getting your money's worth so to speak.

Ready to level-up?

Create meal plans 10x faster, follow up with your clients through our mobile app, and never struggle with meal planning or recipe management again.